Tips for Choosing Surfers Paradise Accommodation

Tips for Choosing Surfers Paradise Accommodation

Surfers Paradise is one of Australia’s most popular tourist destinations, and with good reason. The Gold Coast city offers a beautiful climate, stunning beaches, and plenty of things to see and do. If you’re one of the 3 million domestic visitors planning to holiday in Surfers Paradise, then one of the most crucial decisions is your Surfers Paradise accommodation.

As we mentioned in our last post, there are many reasons to book accommodation in Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast. However, when it comes to choosing accommodation in Surfers Paradise, there are a few things to keep in mind. Thankfully, Gold Coast Private Homes is just the team to help. We’re Surfers Paradise locals with years of experience in the holiday rental market, and we know exactly what it takes to find the perfect Surfers Paradise accommodation. So, if you’re wondering how to choose Surfers Paradise accommodation, simply read on for our top tips.

1. Decide what type of accommodation you’re looking for – hotels, apartments, holiday homes, or penthouses?

Our first tip is to decide what type of accommodation you’re looking for. Surfers Paradise accommodation options vary from hotels and apartments to resorts. If you’re after a more luxurious stay, then a Surfers Paradise hotel, penthouse or holiday home might be the best option. However, if you’re on a budget, then an apartment could be more suitable.

2. Consider your budget and how much you’re willing to spend

The next thing to think about is your budget and how much you’re willing to spend on Surfers Paradise accommodation. Surfers Paradise offers accommodation options for all budgets, so it’s essential to know exactly how much you’re willing to spend before you start your search.

3. Think about the location and what part of Surfers Paradise you want to stay in

When it comes to Surfers Paradise accommodation, location is everything. Surfers Paradise is a large city, so it’s important to think about which part of the city you want to stay in. Do you want to be along the esplanade with beachfront views? Or would you prefer to stay in the city’s heart, Orchid Avenue, close to restaurants and nightclubs? Or, perhaps you’d like to be in a quiet area of Surfers Paradise, such as Paradise Island, where you can escape the hustle and bustle but still enjoy all that Surfers Paradise has to offer.

4. Consider the number of bedrooms you need

Another important factor to consider when choosing Surfers Paradise accommodation is the number of bedrooms you need. Surfers Paradise offers accommodation options with anywhere from one to seven bedrooms, so it’s essential to consider how many people you’re travelling with and what kind of space you need. A hotel room or one-bedroom apartment will be ideal if you are travelling alone or with a partner. However, if you’re travelling with your family or friends, you’ll want to find accommodation in Surfers Paradise that offers two or more rooms. For a larger group, something like Gold Coast Private Villas – Waterfront Villas, Paradise Island would be ideal as they cater for 9-12 guests. However many people you’re travelling with, you’re sure to find suitable accommodation for your needs in Surfers Paradise.

5. Book your accommodation well in advance to ensure you get a good deal

Finally, our last tip is to book your Surfers Paradise accommodation well in advance. Surfers Paradise is a popular destination, especially during school holidays and Christmas, so it’s important to book early to avoid disappointment. Booking early also allows you to take advantage of early bird specials and deals.


So, there you have it – our top tips for choosing Surfers Paradise accommodation. Keep these tips in mind, and you’re sure to find the perfect accommodation in Surfers Paradise for your needs.

Looking for Surfers Paradise accommodation? Gold Coast Private Homes have a wide range of accommodation options to suit all budgets and needs. Browse our website today and book your Surfers Paradise accommodation today.

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